Windsor Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
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Sixth Form Open Evening - A huge success!

1st November 2021

Windsor Sixth Form Open Evening took place on Wednesday 20 October.  Students and parents/carers were able to see the fantastic facilities that the Sixth Form has to offer, including the many teaching venues, state of the art fitness suite and sports facilities. 

There was also a subject fair where students spoke to current staff and students about the subjects, the work involved and the opportunities they would be offered. Our Duke of Edinburgh Award Team were also on hand to speak about the opportunities for undertaking DofE awards whilst in Sixth Form.  As well as this, each subject area delivered talks to give an in-depth idea of what it would be like to study their subject at Windsor.

Headteacher, Mr Lanckham, and the Director of Sixth Form, Mr Leathem-Pugh, gave two talks to students and parents/carers during the evening about Windsor Sixth Form, our ethos and aims. These also included two current Windsor Sixth Form students in Year 12 and 13 who spoke about their experiences of being a student here. 

The evening was a great success giving Year 11 students from across the local area and their parents/carers the chance to get a feel for life as a Sixth Form student at Windsor.

Applications are still open, click the link below for further information.

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