Windsor Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
remote learning at windsor sixth form

Remote Learning

Remote learning is an integral part of our curriculum. It enhances learning, improves achievement and develops students' study skills. 

Remote learning is work set to be completed by students outside the timetabled curriculum. It is independent study that is not directly supervised by a teacher and it allows students to become self-regulated, independent learners.  The Study Room is available for students before and after school to complete their remote learning.

If a student is absent

How can students access their work?

All students at Windsor can log into their Google account to access their Google Classroom.  The subject teachers will share on the Classroom resources any assignments that the student needs to complete if they are well enough to do so.  If the student has any concern regarding the work, they may get in touch with their teacher via the Google Classroom.

Additional resources alongside Google Classroom

Alongside the work uploaded onto Google Classroom, students could work though some of the following educational resources, if they wish to do so:

  • Exam Road Map  (go to the link in box 2 - topic lists, exam papers and mark schemes)
  •  - a resource that covers all subjects.
  • Unifrog (students can use the platform to explore Post 18 opportunities) 
  • - a brilliant range of resources for all subjects.
  • Reading: Through independent reading, students will develop reading fluency and stamina, which result in increased reading rates and thus, help students develop confidence, build vocabulary, and improve writing.
  • Exam board websites for past papers and mark schemes.