There are lots of routes available to get you to where you want to be. At Windsor Sixth Form we offer a range of options that enable you to find the right course for you.
Our Level 3 courses ensure that you have access to subjects that interest you. They offer a personal pathway from GCSEs and allow the required combinations to achieve their selected path post-18.
Each course offers something different. It is important that these differences are taken into consideration when making your choices.
A Levels are studied over two years and examined at the end of Year 13. The structure of A Levels differs per subject and some courses have specific entry requirements.
Students achieving a strong set of GCSE results will be expected to take three A Level courses. You can, however, study four if you wish.
Certain subjects have additional minimum grade entry requirements at GCSE.
These courses are also studied over two years and there are a range of subjects on offer. The A Level equivalent of these courses are:
Consisting mostly of coursework assignments, a BTEC/CTEC course is ideal if you prefer a different assessment process to examinations. Like all Level 3 courses, good independent study skills are vital.
This prestigious research-based qualification attracts UCAS points and is highly valued by universities.
We offer enhancement opportunities for students who are not studying A Level Maths but need to develop their maths skills required for other subjects. The aim is to support mathematical knowledge across a range of A Levels and improve achievement.