Windsor Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
trips visits and guest speakers at windsor sixth form

Trips, Visits and Guest Speakers

Throughout the year additional trips, visits and guest speakers will be organised which will add huge enrichment to your learning.

You are also encouraged to take part in university visits and open days and be part of the growing international links that the Sixth Form has established.

Last year, students visited Rome and had the opportunity to visit the tourist attractions from the Trevi Fountain, Vatican City and the Spanish Steps. Students had a wonderful experience visiting the cultural and architectural sites of Rome.
Students this academic year visited New York in February, alongside our ASPIRE Sixth Form students. They spent time at the Met Museum, the World Trade Centre memorial, the Empire State building and also got time to do some shopping.

Other recent opportunities our students have experienced include:
  • Higher Education and Careers Evening
  • Oxford University speaker
  • University of Birmingham revision trips
  • Alumni assembly
  • University of Warwick Chemistry in Action day
  • Russell Group University and careers events
  • Worcester University