Reminder: Sixth Form will be closed for students on Monday 9th December for an Inset day.

Windsor Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Student Wellbeing Resources

The emotional wellbeing of our school community is crucial to living a happy, successful and healthy life. There are times, however, when we all need a little support in achieving this.

There is a vast amount of support online that is free to access and offers guidance, advice, help and tips on how to deal with mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. The Mental Health Foundation provides lots of guidance on how to look after your mental health and this can be accessed below.

The Mental Health Foundation

You can view some useful guidance from a range of organisations in the table below.

Support type Online Support

Anxiety UK

No Panic


Child Bereavement UK

When Someone Special Dies Leaflet - For Children 7-11 Years Old

When Someone Special Dies Leaflet - For Young People

Children's Understanding of Death at Different Ages

How Children and Young People Grieve

What Helps Grieving Children and Young People

Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People with Additional Needs Through Grief

Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People with ASD

Building Resilience in Bereaved Children

When a Grandparent Dies: The Impact on Children and Young People


NHS Talking Therapies


Eating Disorders

Young Minds

Family Support with Mental Health

Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families

Anna Freud Secondary Parents Leaflet

General Wellbeing/Mental Health Issues

Blackcountry Mental Health

Children's Society

Dr Radha's Wellbeing Tips


Kaleidoscope Group


The Mix - essential support for under 25s

The WHAT? Centre

Young Minds

Happier Minds 

NHS Winter Toolkit for Schools:
Stay Well This Winter leaflet  
Stay Well This Winter website
Accessing Primary Care GPs

The Lily-Jo Project - a complete mental health online curriculum

Internet and Mental Health



UK Safer Internet Centre


National Online Safety - safety guides and tips about various online platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok

Virgin Media Children's Online Safety Test



Advice for Parents/Carers


Kooth's guide to understanding and managing feelings of loneliness

Male Mental Health

Kaleidoscope Group

Positive Mental Health

Action for Happiness

Heads Together

Reflexions (CBT Mental Health Support)

Reflexions Parent/Carer Information


Self-Harm UK Virtual College

Kaleidoscope Group

Suicidal Thoughts



Mental Health Foundation How to Guides