Windsor Sixth Form, Richmond Street, Halesowen, B63 4BB
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Sixth Form trip to BBC Wales

27th October 2023

By Skye, Year 13

On 20th October 2023, as students of English Language and Literature, we visited the BBC studios in Cardiff to enrich our understanding of how language is used throughout the media and journalism industry.

From radio recording to the live news, we followed a detailed and exciting guided tour of the inside workings of the BBC.  We thoroughly enjoyed learning how our language knowledge could be applied to the makings of radio, the making of audio dramas through sound manipulation, and in the making of television, within indents and auto queues. 

We were even given the opportunity to apply our newly gained knowledge first hand; some of us went behind the scenes to record mock weather/news reports using professional technology and green screen. Overall, the trip gave us the opportunity to have a day of fun, bonding and learning all tied together.