“Art should be something that liberates your soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.” – Keith Haring
A Level Art and Design provides you with exciting opportunities to develop your personal responses to ideas, observations, experiences, environments and cultures through practical artwork and critical and contextual studies. Initially, you will be exposed to introductory workshops exploring techniques and media such as drawing, printmaking, painting, mixed media, textiles, sculpture, photography and digital work, coupled with in-depth historical and contextual analysis. You are encouraged to pursue independent lines of investigation linked to your workshops and will be expected to visit art galleries and museums to inform the contextual element of the course.
The course is suited to those who have a passion for art and design, who are committed, creative and self-motivated. You will also need to have a willingness to develop work independently, exploring a range of ideas, materials and techniques. You will need to be organised with resources and materials, supplying your own specialist equipment to complement the facilities in the sixth form studio.
At Windsor Academy Trust our curriculum exists to ensure all students regardless of background and ability can aspire to ‘unlock their academic and personal potential’. It empowers and equips students with the knowledge, character virtues and learning skills required to thrive in learning and in life.
Following on from the skills based workshops, you begin an independently devised Personal Investigation which continues into Year 13. For this, you are required to conduct a practical investigation into an idea, issue, concept or theme, supported by written material.
The investigation should be a coherent, in-depth study, covering all the assessment objectives, that demonstrates your ability to construct and develop a sustained investigation from an initial starting point to a final realisation.
The second component is the Externally set assignment, following receipt of the paper in February of Year 13 you will consider and select a starting point. You will produce a practical investigation into your chosen theme, ensuring you fulfil all of the assessment objectives. Preparatory work should be presented in any suitable format, such as mounted sheets, sketchbooks, workbooks, journals, models and maquettes. Following the preparatory period, you must complete 15 hours of unaided, supervised time, where you will produce a finished outcome or a series of related outcomes, informed by your preparatory work.
No time limit - 96 marks, 60% of A Level.
Preparatory period and 15 hours supervised time 96 marks, 40% of A Level.
For both components assessments will measure how you have achieved the following assessment objectives:
Due to the nature of the subject, art and design goes well with a wide variety of subjects. It complements other creative subjects like graphic communication, however, depending on your interests, it has the potential to combine well with sciences, English and humanities subjects.
University courses you may wish to progress to after studying A Level Art and Design include:
If you are considering an apprenticeship, you could think about working in:
Having developed creativity, problem solving skills, self motivation, presentation skills and an eye for aesthetics, an A Level in art and design could lead you to many career pathways.
Some example careers are:
The majority of students continue their studies at university with varied courses, including fine art, media and marketing.
Recently, two students are successfully continuing their art and design pathways at Birmingham City University studying a degree in fine art.